Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation

B96 Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation, Polugaevsky Variation. 7b5 signifies the Polugaevsky variation. F4 was to put pressure on the e5 square and immediately threaten 8. This is one of the main lines of the Sicilian Najdorf. What black usually does is: Begins the Poisoned Pawn variation with Qb6; Blocks the pin with Be7. Depends on your opponent style and mood. For the moment:. Najdorf (sharpest but only for dedicated players, as it is a whole way of life in itself). Taimanov (safest and very good harvesting win schemes for the positional player, my best bet).

List of Variations

Main, classical, original
2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 Variation
Accelerated Dragon, Exchange Variation
Accelerated Dragon, General
Accelerated Dragon, Maroczy Bind
Maroczy Bind, Breyer Variation
Maroczy Bind, General
Maroczy Bind, Gurgenidze Variation
Accelerated Dragon, Modern Bc4 Variation
Accelerated Dragon, Modern Variation
Alapin Variation, Barmen Defense
Barmen Defense, Central Exchange
Barmen Defense, Modern Line
Alapin Variation, General
Alapin Variation - Alapin Heidenfeld Variation
Alapin Variation, Sherzer Variation
Alapin Variation, Smith-Morra Declined
Alapin Variation, Stoltz Attack
Stoltz Attack, Ivanchuk Line
American Attack
Anderssen Variation
Anderssen Variation - Pin Variation
Anderssen Variation - Pin Variation - Jaffe Variation
Anderssen Variation - Pin Variation - Koch Variation
Andreaschek Gambit
Boleslavsky Variation
Boleslavsky Variation, General Variation
Boleslavsky Variation, Louma Variation
Bowlder Attack
Canal Attack
Canal Attack, Haag Gambit
Canal Attack, Moscow Gambit
Canal Attack, Main Line
Chekhover Variation
Chekhover Variation, Zaitsev Defense
Classical Variation
Classical Variation, Anti-Sozin Variation
Classical Variation, Fianchetto Variation
Classical Variation, General
Anti-Sveshnikov Variation,Kharlov-Kramnik Line
Closed Variation
Closed Variation2
Closed Variation, Botvinnik Defense I
Botvinnik Defense I, Edge Variation
Closed Variation, Botvinnik Defense II
Closed Variation, Chameleon Variation
Closed Variation, Fianchetto Variation
Closed Variation, Korchnoi Defense
Closed Variation, Traditional
Delayed Alapin Variation
Delayed Alapin, Basman-Palatnik Double Gambit
Dragon Variation, Classical Variation
Dragon Variation, Classical Variation2
Dragon Variation, Classical Variation3
Dragon Variation, Classical Variation4
Dragon Variation, Alekhine Line
Dragon Variation, Battery Variation
Dragon Variation, General
Dragon Variation, Maroczy Line
Dragon Variation, Normal Line
Dragon Variation, Tartakower Line
Dragon Variation, Fianchetto Variation
Dragon Variation, General
Dragon Variation, Levenfish Variation
Levenfish Variation, Main Line
Dragon Variation, Modern Bc4 Variation
Dragon Variation, Yugoslav Attack
Dragon Variation, Yugoslav Attack 2
Dragon Variation, Yugoslav Attack3
Dragon Variation, Yugoslav Attack4
Yugoslav Attack, Belezky Line
Yugoslav Attack, Czerniak Variation
Yugoslav Attack, Early deviations
Yugoslav Attack, Main Line
Yugoslav Attack, Modern Line
Yugoslav Attack, Old Line
Yugoslav Attack, Panov Variation
Yugoslav Attack, Sosonko Variation
Flohr Variation
Four Knights Variation
Four Knights Variation, Cobra Variation
Four Knights Variation, Exchange Variation
French Variation
French Variation, Normal
French Variation, Open
French Variation, Westerinen Attack
Gaw-Paw Variation
Godiva Variation
Grand Prix Attack
Grand Prix Attack, Schofman Variation
Hyperaccelerated Dragon
Hyperaccelerated Fianchetto
Hyperaccelerated Pterodactyl
Kalashnikov Variation
Kan Variation
Kan Variation, Knight Variation
Maroczy Bind, Bronstein Variation
Maroczy Bind, Reti Variation
Kan Variation, Modern Variation
Kan Variation, Polugaevsky Variation
Kan Variation, Swiss Cheese Variation
Kan Variation, Wing Attack
Wing Attack, Fianchetto Variation
Wing Attack, Spraggett Attack
Katalimov Variation
Kramnik Variation
Kronberger Variation
Kupreichik Variation
Kveinis Variation
Lasker-Dunne Attack
Lasker-Pelikan Variation, Bird Variation
Lasker-Pelikan Variation, Exchange Variation
Lasker-Pelikan Variation, General
Lasker-Pelikan Variation, Retreat Variation
Lasker-Pelikan Variation, Schlechter Variation
Lasker-Pelikan Variation, Sveshnikov Variation
Lasker-Pelikan Variation,Novosibirsk Variation
Lasker-Pelikan Variation,Peresypkin's Sacrifice
Lowenthal Variation
Marshall Counterattack
McDonnell Attack

Sicilian Defense Najdorf Variation English Attack

McDonnell Attack, Tal Gambit
Mengarini Variation
Modern Variations
Modern Variations, Anti-Qxd4 Move Order
Anti-Qxd4 Move Order, Accepted
Modern Variations, Main Line
Modern Variations, Tartakower
Morphy Gambit
Najdorf Variation
Najdorf Variation2
Najdorf Variation3
Najdorf Variation4
Najdorf Variation5
Najdorf Variation, Adams Attack
Najdorf Variation, Amsterdam Variation
Najdorf Variation, Browne Variation
Najdorf Variation, English Attack
Najdorf Variation, Anti-English
Najdorf Variation, Freak Attack
Najdorf Variation, Goteborg (Argentine)
Najdorf Variation, Main Line
Najdorf Variation, Neo-Classical Defense
Najdorf Variation, Opocensky Variation
Najdorf Variation, Opocensky Variation
Opocensky Variation, Traditional
Najdorf Variation, Poisoned Pawn Variation
Poisoned Pawn, Accepted
Najdorf Variation, Polugayevsky Variation
Polugayevsky Variation, Simagin
Najdorf Variation, Scheveningen Variation
Najdorf Variation, Traditional Line
Najdorf Variation, Zagreb Variation
Nimzo-American Variation
Nimzowitsch Variation, Advance Variation
Nimzowitsch Variation, Closed Variation
Nimzowitsch Variation, Exchange Variation
Nimzowitsch Variation, Main Line
Nimzowitsch Variation, General
Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack
Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack, Fianchetto Variation
Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack,Lutikov Gambit
Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack,Totsky Attack
Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack, Gurgenidze Variation
O'Kelly Variation, Maroczy Bind
O'Kelly Variation,Geller Line
O'Kelly Variation,Paulsen Line
O'Kelly Variation,Robatsch Line
O'Kelly Variation, Normal System
O'Kelly Variation,Kan Line
O'Kelly Variation,Taimanov Line
O'Kelly Variation, Quiet System
O'Kelly Variation, Reti System
O'Kelly Variation, Venice System
O'Kelly Variation,Barcza Line
O'Kelly Variation,Steiner Line
O'Kelly Variation, Yerevan System
Old Sicilian, General
Old Sicilian, Normal
Old Sicilian, Open
Paulsen Variation
Paulsen Variation, American Attack
Paulsen Variation, Bastrikov Variation
Paulsen Variation, Bastrikov Variation2
Paulsen Variation, Bastrikov Variation3
NajdorfPaulsen Variation, English Attack
Paulsen Variation, General
Paulsen Variation, Modern Line
Paulsen Variation, Normal Variation
Paulsen Variation, Szen Variation
Paulsen Variation, Taimanov Variation
Paulsen-Basman Defense
Pin Variation
Pin Variation, Koch Variation
Prins Variation
Prins Variation, Venice Attack
Richter-Rauzer Variation
Sicilian Defence Najdorf VariationRichter-Rauzer Variation, Classical Variation
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Classical Variation2
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Classical Variation3
Richter-Rauzer Variation,Kantscher Line
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Dragon Variation
Richter-Rauzer Variation, General
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Ivanov Variation
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Modern Variation
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Modern Variation2
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Neo-Modern Variation
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Neo-Modern Variation2
Richter-Rauzer Variation,Early deviations
Richter-Rauzer Variation,Nyezhmetdinov Attack
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Traditional Variatoin
Richter-Rauzer Variation, Vitolins Variation
Scheveningen Variation
Scheveningen Variation, Classical Variation
Scheveningen Variation, Classical Variation2
Scheveningen Variation,General
Scheveningen Variation,Paulsen Variation
Scheveningen Variation,Paulsen Variation
Scheveningen Variation, Delayed Keres Attack
Scheveningen Variation,Perenyi Gambit
Scheveningen Variation, English Attack
Scheveningen Variation, English Attack2
Scheveningen Variation, Fianchetto Variation
Scheveningen Variation, Keres Attack
Scheveningen Variation, Matanovic Attack

Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation

Scheveningen Variation, Modern Variation
Scheveningen Variation, Modern Variation2
Scheveningen Variation,General
Scheveningen Variation, Tal Variation
Scheveningen Variation, Vitolins Variation
Smith-Morra Gambit Deferred
Smith-Morra Gambit
Smith-Morra Gambit, Classical Formation
Smith-Morra Gambit, Fianchetto Defense
Smith-Morra Gambit,Kan Formation
Smith-Morra Gambit,Paulsen Formation
Smith-Morra Gambit,Scheveningen Formation
Smith-Morra Gambit,Dubois Variation
Smith-Morra Gambit,Push Variation
Smith-Morra Gambit,Scandinavian Formation
Snyder Variation
Snyder, Queen Fianchetto Variation
Snyder, 4.Bc4 Variation
Snyder, 4.Bb5 Variation
Sozin Attack, Flank Variation
Sozin Attack, General Variation
Sozin Attack, Leonhardt Variation
Sozin Attack, Main Line
Staunton-Cochrane Variation
Velimirovic Attack
Venice Attack
Wing Gambit Deferred
Wing Gambit
Wing Gambit, Abrahams Variation
Wing Gambit, Carlsbad Variation
Wing Gambit, Deferred Variation
Wing Gambit, Marshall Variation
Wing Gambit, 3.d4 Variation

What is the Najdorf Variation?

The Najdorf Variation is one of the mainlines in the Sicilian Defence.

It is used as black against 1.e4 (King Pawn Opening).

The starting position of the Najdorf Variationbegins at move 5.

ECO code B90-99 Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation General

Today's article I have in store for you is going to be a little different than my normal ones!

I love to go step by step showing why each move is played in lines!

I like to give the reason behind the moves so to speak.

In this case, I have already done most of that in another article.

If you have not read the other article I wrote.

Click HERE

In the other article I talked about the idea's behind the moves from move 1 to 5.

However, I left off on black's 5th move!

In today's article I will be continuing were I left off.

The good news is today's article is going to be short!

Outline for this article

- I will share pictures and history on who made the Najdorf Variation

- I will talk about the idea behind the move 5...a6

- I will give the names and 6th moves to the top 10 lines which are played against the Najdorf.

Today article will be fun!

Who made the Najdorf Variation in the Sicilian Defence?

Miguel Najdorf

Look at that he is smiling in the picture.

It is as if he wanted us to talk about him today!

Miguel Najdorf was a Polish-Argentine Chess Grand Master.

Miguel Najdorf was born on April 15, 1910.

Miguel Najdorf sadly died on July 4, 1997.

Even though he is dead his spirit and contributions in chess live on!

Miguel Najdorf is responsible for one of the greatest lines in chess.

People have called the Sicilian Najdorf Variation the Cadillac of Chess Openings!

It strikes fear into the heart of chess players!

What is the move which strikes fear into the hearts of chess players?

The little pawn move a6!!!

Lets talk about the move 5...a6.

What does the move do?

Believe it or not the move a6 is a waiting move!

It is funny because I have had heated debates over people telling me I was crazy lol.

Yeah they disagreed with me until their face turned blue.

They didn't even stop agruing to even take a breathe.

It is actually very curious because the move a6 does have some functions, but many of them are not ment to be done right away!

The move a6 does help prepare a queen side expansion with the move b5.

The move a6 does help control the b5 square so white can't jump a piece to b5.

However, when you really think about it are these functions I am listing in green text going to happen next move? At like move 6 for example?

Well the truth is no!

For a long time no one could refute my statement that the move 5...a6 was a waiting move.

However, one day a person came close!

Some believe he even did refute my claim.

I always like telling this story because I think it helps people understand better.

The person who shared his view point to me was a International Master.

The IM brought to the table another view point no one ever did before.

Guess what he said?

The IM said 'The move 5...a6 is a preparation move.'

After the IM said the above statement I was thinking in my mind Oh gosh not another b5 queen side preparation conversation again lol.

I was like completely dreading it!

Than the funniest thing happen.

The IM said ' The move is preparing e5.'

Than came my response.

My face was exactly like that picture right there with same words.

Accurate representation of events right there!

Preparing e5?

Yep that is what the IM said.

Than the IM started to explain:

' At move 5 black would love to play the move e5 in this position for several different reasons'.

I was like black does?

I never knew that!

No one ever told me black wanted to play the move 5...e5!

I never read it any where either!

This is a conspiracy. Why don't I know about this?

The IM is like yeah put it on your chess board.

'Now look at that position.

The move e5 is hitting the knight on d4 with tempo!

The move e5 is gaining center space!

and to top it off

The move e5 is helping to develop the bishop on f8. Now it has a chance to go to e7 so black can castle.'

I was like you know I never thought about that.

That is a very good point!

Yeah black does want to play e5 here.

Than the IM said ' Yes black wants to play e5. The problem is he can't play the move e5 yet.'

I was like why can't he play e5 at move 5?

The IM said ' Because of the deadly check'.

I was like oooo that sounds bad.

Not any check but a deadly check!

The IM said 'After white does the check no matter how black guards white will end up with some positional advantages.'

I was like yeah that sounds bad.

Positional advantages? Oh man positional chess is hard. It can't be good.

I mean look at that position. This is the check the IM was talking about.

Guess where it is at?

On the b5 square were the a6 pawn defends can you believe that?

Now look at the problem:

Isn't that amazing?

You see!

Black wants to play e5.

However, black can't play it with out preparation.

Thus, the move 5...a6 helps defend the b5 square which will later allow black the chance to play the move e5.

This whole time I thought it was only a waiting move.

What was I thinking?

It is very complex!

The best metaphor I can give you would be like an executioner sharping his axe before delivering the killer blow!

When an executioner sharpens his axe he is waiting; however, he is not really waiting!

When he is done sharpening; Your done!

Well good for you!

I knew the metaphor would help.

The move a6 helps prepare the move e5 and 80% of the time black does follow through with the move e5.

The only time black doesn't follow through with the move e5 is if it is more beneficial to black to keep the pawn on e6 instead of e5.

Which brings us to white's 6th move!

The below set of moves are the top 10 moves played against the Najdorf as of 2016!

The moves 6.Bg5 and 6.Bc4 are the only 2 moves were it is not recommended for black to play the pawn push e5.

Sicilian Defense Open Najdorf Variation 6.bg5

Usually Najdorf players will play another move at move 6 or they will follow with the pawn push e6 instead.

Against the other 8 moves black can be very flexible.

Black can follow through with the pawn push e5 if they chose too.


Black can play the pawn push e6.

The point to keep in mind is against 6.Bg5 and 6.Bc4 you do not want to play e5.

Against the other 8 responses you have options of both e5 and e6.

I would explain why. However, it would go way off the topic and outline of this article. To keep this article short we can save that discussion for another day lol.

Lastly to wrap up this article I promised to give you the line names.

6.Be3 = English Attack

6.Bg5 = Main Line

6.Be2 = Opocensky Variation

6.Bc4 = Fischer-Sozin Attack

6.f4 = Amsterdam Variation

6.g3 = Zagreb (Fianchetto Variation)

6.f3 = Unnamed

6.h3 = Adams Attack

6.a4 = Unnamed

6.Bd3 = Unnamed

For a min, I thought some people died off in the theory section of this article which is suppose to be so complicated!

Apparently it wasn't to bad.

We are still here and we are at move 6 now!

Which concludes this article.

As always thank you very much for reading.

Hope you enjoyed yourself.

Have a Happy Day

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