Maury Troy Travis Videos

The Maury Travis case is fascinating, not least because it contains a letter and a map sent to the press, but also shows that advances in technology are making it more and more difficult for a serial killer to remain active.

Travis has the dubious honour of being “the first serial killer to be caught by Google”, although, as you will already be aware, Dennis Rader (BTK) also met his downfall due to traced computer documents.

Maury Troy Travis videos and latest news articles; your source for the latest news on Maury Troy Travis. Wendy and Beth begin a deep dive into the early life and crimes of the St. Louis Video Strangler, AKA Maury T. Travis is an American serial killer who tortured and murdered women while videotaping it. His crimes took place in Ferguson Missouri and in Illinois. He had 12 to 17 victims.

The difference is that Travis was caught using co-operation between the police and internet service providers (ISP’s), whereas Rader simply didn’t realise that his Word document could be linked to his log-in details.


Unfortunately, Travis was never able to shed any light on his decision to communicate with the press, or his embracing of internet technology, as he was found hanged in his cell at St Louis County Jail in 2002 before standing trial.

Born on the 25th October 1965 in Missouri, Maury Troy Travis was to become a rarity in the world of serial killers. Firstly, he was to join the small number of killers who use the media as a tool to communicate, secondly, because he used technology to revisit his crime scenes, and thirdly, because he was one of a small number of black serial killers.

Little is known of his early life, but we do know that when he was arrested on the initial murder charge, he was working as a waiter and was also on parole for a previous robbery.

The wheels of this case were set in motion when a St Louis Post-Dispatcher reporter received a letter praising him for his story on a murdered prostitute which featured in the newspaper some time earlier.

Accompanying the letter was a map of West Alton, an area of St Louis, Missouri, which bore a large “X” at an area in which the writer claimed that a body could be found.


The letter was immediately handed over to the police, who quickly found the skeleton of a woman at the spot marked on the map by the killer.

All attention was then turned to the map itself, with the FBI becoming involved in the investigation.

It was quickly discovered that the map was downloaded from Expedia, and the investigating team swooped into action, contacting Expedia with a subpoena which compelled them to give out the information of any customer who had downloaded the map of West Alton between May 18th (the day the original newspaper story was printed), and May 21st (the date of the postmark on the letter).

Expedia directed the FBI to Google, who handle the information for its map site.

A positive result was found within a fortnight.

On June 3rd, Microsoft told the investigators that only one computer had accessed this map during the specified time period, but were unable to give a name or address.

The only information which could lead to the killers identity was the code Travis’ I.P address.

Maury Troy Travis Graphic Videos

Unfortunately, the FBI was still a long way from catching the killer, as it is not easy to track an I.P address. They were forced to enlist the help of WorldCom, a telecommunications business whose role was to assign a temporary I.P address to any customer dialling-up an internet session (don’t forget, this was before the days of broadband and fibre-optic technology!).

This was still far from simple, as a different I.P address was assigned every time someone logged on to the internet, with each I.P address having been used for thousands of people to connect to the web.

It was a question of who used that I.P address at that specific time, and due to all hands at WorldCom being put to deck, the result was found the next day.

The user was identified as MSN/maurytravis.

The customer was later officially identified as Maury Troy Travis of Ferguson, Missouri.

By June 7th, the case had been sufficiently strengthened by DNA evidence and tyre tread markings for an arrest to be made.

36 year old waiter Travis was arrested for two counts of kidnapping, which linked to him to several murders around the state. Video tapes of him committing sexual assaults on several women were later found at his address.

Travis hanged himself on June 17th, having never commented on his crimes.

The two murders Travis almost certainly committed are those of Alycia Greenwade and Betty Smith, both from the Missouri area.

However, the FBI believe that Travis could be responsible for up to 10 unsolved murders.

Below is a timeline from the website of the St Louis Post-Dispatcher which makes this complicated case much easier to dissect.

MAY 20: Someone dials up MSN and downloads a map from The map is mailed to the Post-Dispatch.
MAY 24: The Post-Dispatch gives the Illinois state police the map and letter. They identify the map as from
MAY 30: informs the FBI that records of access to the map can be obtained through Microsoft Corp.
JUNE 3: Microsoft tells the FBI that only one computer downloaded a map of the area during the time in question. Microsoft provides the IP address of that computer.
JUNE 4: The FBI asks WorldCom Inc. to identify the user name for the computer assigned the IP address on May 20. WorldCom provides the user name MSN/maurytravis.
JUNE 4: The FBI asks Microsoft for the account information on MSN/maurytravis. Microsoft provides the name Maury Travis along with his address and phone number.
JUNE 7: After round-the-clock surveillance reveals that Travis lives at the house, he is arrested.

Also provided by the Post-Dispatcher is an explanation of I.P addresses, and their functions.

Sources: FBI, Microsoft Corp., The Computer Glossary
The IP address, written as four numbers separated by periods, identifies a particular computer’s location on the Internet. Computers linked to a network through a fixed connection typically have a permanent address, while computers that dial over a telephone line to reach the internet are assigned an IP address for each session.
65 . 227 . 106 . 78
(First set of numbers ex. 65:) Identifies network to which a computer belongs
(Rest of numbers: ex. 227.106.78) Identifies the actual computer on that network
A map downloaded from the Internet led the FBI to suspected serial killer Maury Troy Travis.

Below is a map similar to that sent by Travis to the Post-Dispatcher, along with a crime scene photograph from the spot marked “X.”

Below is short documentary regarding the Maury Travis case.

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Maury Troy Travis Video Footage

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As punishment for ruining his life, Deucalion degrades Eleanore by having her thrown in witli common harem girls, who we are told repeatedly are not white. She becomes a mistress of the alcoholic Russian aristocrat deserter Gregory Gaye , then of Mohammed, who wants to torture prison- ers and threatens to have her tongue cut out. The loud German deserter Noah Beery' Sr. With C. Parts were shot in the Mojave Desert. The top billed horror star scowls as Prof.

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Strang, a magician and owner of a wax muse- um, but despite all the efforts to mislead the Saturday matinee viewers, he turns out not to be the bad guy after all. The Shadow does whisper and is sometimes animated as he slinks around. He does stunts on a motorcycle and on top of a truck. The helicopter is a model and a prison break scene is stock footage. Griffith regular Henry B.

He goes to work for him as a waiter, kidnaps his baby daughter Sheila for ransom, then is sent to prison for an unrelated assault charge. While there, a Cockney inmate Carradine starts a riot and goes out of his way to make life hell for him. He also talks too much to his wily cell- mate Prof. Sturm Peter Lorre. A black inmate leads the others in singing the national anthem.

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Dannie yells 'Suckers! This odd movie makes the rich arms dealer much more sympathetic than the poor war hater, but it managed to break the production code which banned kidnap- pers on screen it was just after the Lindberg case conviction. Original director Otto Preminger quit during production. Hart, had a similar script. Parts are fun and funny, and being a Cantor movie, it includes a blackface scene. Cantor also appears in drag.

The Maury Travis Tapes

Carradine also plays a lawyer on the film set and him- self, escorting Lang and Hovick to the premiere. The long fantasy section was originally tinted sepia. During the filming of a magic flying carpet scene two prop men died.

Maury Troy Travis Videos

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These are all good and entertaining things, but I could have done without so much extreme gore. The pot smoking free thinking one Helena Vaughn gets topless, the blonde Michele Lagner is briefly naked for a ceremony and the jock char- acter enjoys an obscured blow job from Evelyn, wearing only some chains. A lot of time is spent showing an amazing old actual Miami Beach monastery and each Tarot card is slowly held up for the camera.

The skull is obviously a store bought rubber mask, but it looks cool any- way. She and a Crystalnetics temple leader Elizabeth Barris try to convince the doubting Bob to join. It turns out that the women are ageless cult members who drain blood to stay alive. Bob does research about the cult and breaks their spell by drinking and smoking pot. This low budget horror movie is a brave spoof of L.

The music very good is by Jay Woefel and Ron Ford is also in the credits. Steiger, whose career never recovered after the 70s, resembles Lawrence Tierney these days. He emerges from a coffin, has flashback, and cre- ates two mutants who attack the minimal cast and crew.

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The monster makeup is good and the characters are mostly likeable, a rarity for low budget body count horror movies. She falls for cigar smoking Dallas Casper Van Dien and joins up with his vampire clan. Wagner has topless scenes and resem- bles Joan Jett with her short blonde hair. In our current period of a major political correctness backlash, this comedy has Wagner puking blood on a black woman, and when a vampire Kim Cattrall morphs into an ugly female demon, the drug taking blacks happily gang bang her.

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Maury Troy Travis Videos Of Victims

Bookwalter movies. The characters all plot against each other, some switch bodies and the women meet in a dream. The phantom character is overbearing, but some of the FX are very clever. With fake home shopping club ads, talking skulls, farts, Debra Dutch topless, and a shower scene. It took Yakkel from Cleveland five years to finish. He uses internet chat rooms to lure teen girls.

He keeps one Linda Cardellini naked in a cage with her lips sewn togetlier. Her police detective father Kevin Gage finally tracks the madman down, but the courts release him after four years.

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The now weak and pathetic acting killer looking like Marilyn Manson then becomes the victim of local vigilantes led by a convincing Robert Englund. The cast includes Elizabeth Pena and Brett Harrelson. The soundtrack includes music by Snider, Manson, Kid Rock, Pantera, Megadeth, and others and some videos are at the end. Phone 9ani to 5pm , Fax E-mail pvzine inlercom.

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Hours: Mon. Lee, P. Fariey Gianfer. Rydell, J. Findling, K. Pelle This is my favorite book of the year. Before air travel, radio and films, large fairs were extremely influential.

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